Author: Jamie


Quel traitement anti mouche utiliser en extérieur ?


Lorsque les beaux jours arrivent, les mouches et autres insectes font également leur apparition. Même s’ils restent inoffensifs, ils peuvent vite gâcher une soirée en extérieur. Pour s’en débarrasser, il existe quelques astuces simples et efficaces comme le rideau de porte d’entrée, les spirales à brûler ou encore le vinaigre blanc. Découvrez, quel traitement anti-mouche ….  Read More

The Cave Paintings of Trois Freres


Helpless romantics dream of traveling to France for a number of reasons. The country is quite well-known for its romantic places and atmosphere. But did you know that there’s more to see in France aside from the lovely romantic places? Yes, that’s true and one is the cave paintings of Trois Freres. Not all individuals ….  Read More

The history of 3D Printer Technology

IT Tech3d printer

One of the most exciting technological advances in modern history has been the introduction of 3d printing technology. It’s opening pages has allowed for an entirely new level of cost effectiveness and quality to enter into the printing process. 3d printing, also known as “umbrella printing” or “cloud printing,” has literally revolutionized industrial printing. The ….  Read More

Youth The Concepts Behind Christian Mentoring


The process of guiding and mentoring people is a highly delicate one: mentors need to be able to allow their protégés to progress and get out of their shells, but they have to strike the balance between directing the movements of their followers while still allowing these fledglings time to find the strength of their ….  Read More

Life Of An Anti Virus Program


The millions viruses costs companies each time they strike. It is however not only companies that are suffering from the damages caused by viruses. A virus can be just as damaging if not more for a private Internet user by destroying important documents, family pictures and everything else you keep on your computer. Therefore should ….  Read More

Anti Virus Programs

IT Tech

When making backup keep in mind that the keeper of it is very important. If you store the backup on your hard drive the chances for it to be damaged are big. They are even bigger when using floppy diskettes or CDs. One good way could be a fast ftp access or on other Internet ….  Read More

The Mini PC Advantages

IT TechMini PC

At first glance, it’s easy to mistake the HP Pavilion Wave as just another stylish portable laptop or handheld digital assistant. However, it is really both of those things, but then again, it’s also a mini PC crammed with lots of handy features. And that very unique form factor serves a very practical purpose on ….  Read More

How you can find the cheapest USB Stick

IT TechUSB Stick

Finding the cheapest USB stick is possible these days. If you know where to look, you can find one for under twenty bucks, sometimes even less. The price of USB sticks has come down considerably since they were first introduced and released. There are so many different manufacturers of these little drives that the competition ….  Read More

Personal Computer PC Information That All Users Should Have

IT TechPersonal Computer

Personal Computer. A personal computer consists of a microprocessor, which includes the operating system, digital electronic instructions, arithmetic and logic circuitry on an integrated circuit, hard drive, and storage medium. The PC is connected to a monitor, keyboard, and printer for input/output functions. In personal computers, a processor generally performs much of the arithmetic and ….  Read More